Individual Endorsements

“Mr. Olapade exudes self-confidence, is self-motivated, and possesses a superior work ethic. He is a man of great integrity with impressive leadership skills… tremendous character and a pleasure to work with…I give him my highest possible recommendation.”

“I’m proud to support Aaron Olapade for Medford School Committee. Medford needs leaders who connect with young people in our community, and who prioritize access to opportunities for people of different cultural backgrounds and perspectives. Aaron stepped up during COVID to reach out to communities who needed assistance and continues to make sure under-represented voices are heard. His work will be valuable in meeting the needs of Medford’s schools. “

“With Aaron’s inclusive leadership and experience as a community builder who understands that equity and diversity starts at the grassroots, I know Medford’s students will be in good hands with Aaron on the School Committee.”

“Aaron is committed to service, dedicated to equity in learning, a skilled communicator and compassionate listener. As a Medford Public Schools graduate and with a background of work for health and racial justice organizations in our community, we need his perspective on Medford School Committee.”

“Aaron brings knowledge from his time as a student in Medford Public Schools, deep connections with the Medford community, and his own lived experience that will be highly valuable as a member of the Medford School Committee. I am honored to endorse Aaron for the position, and I look forward to serving with him as a partner in city government.”

“I’m voting for Aaron Olapade for School Committee because Aaron knows there is no equity and inclusion without access and opportunity. With his policy experience at the state house and lived experience in our schools Aaron is a candidate who will equally represent our students, families, and community. He is a collaborative and thoughtful colleague to all who have the benefit of working with him.”

“Endorsing Aaron Olapade is one of the easiest things I have done in my three terms on the Medford School Committee. I have had the pleasure of knowing Aaron for several years, and I am confident he will bring his energy and focus to dig into the staggering amount of work ahead. Electing people who will vote how we want is essential, but we must expect more from our elected leaders. The votes we take are sometimes the beginning of our work, sometimes the end of our work – but they are never ‘the work’ itself. I am thrilled to endorse Aaron, knowing he will do the work. Aaron will be a partner in moving Medford Public Schools forward, and I could not be more excited by his candidacy!”

“Medford’s students will be lucky to have a voice like Aaron’s to help guide important decisions and move Medford forward. He’s smart and hard-working. We have lots of work to do to build the district our students deserve and I would be honored for the chance to work alongside Aaron to make this vision a reality!”

“I am proud to endorse Aaron as a leader of the next generation and a voice of the Medford community. His focus on equitable education and community building is what will move our city forward.”

“Aaron represents both the critically needed voice of a recent graduate of the Medford Public Schools and the experience of being a person of color in those schools. Our school system and our city will only get better when we listen to and elect a smart, thoughtful leader like Aaron Olapade – a leader who is committed to serving our students and teachers and collaborating with the whole community.”

“Aaron has my whole-hearted support – and my vote – for Medford School Committee. I first met Aaron years ago when he was the facilitator of my Medford Conversations group. I found him to be knowledgeable about the strengths and needs of the Medford community, and thoughtful in his approach to solutions to challenges we face. I’m excited to see how Aaron will use his experiences as a Medford High School graduate, in addition to his commitment to educational justice and community involvement, to support and engage Medford’s students.”
Organizational Endorsements

The membership of Our Revolution Medford endorsed Aaron’s candidacy and his commitment to the 2023 Medford People’s Platform.

Aaron is proud to receive the endorsement of Run for Something (RFS), the groundbreaking organization that recruits and supports strong voices in the next generation of progressive leadership.
“This is our last endorsement class before the 2023 November elections, when races like those in Virginia show us once again there truly are no “off-year” elections,” said co-founder and co-executive director Amanda Litman. “This year, we’ve endorsed hundreds of candidates nationwide from school boards to state legislatures. These leaders are ready to fight far-right extremists seeking to extinguish our freedoms and dismantle civil rights. ”